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    發(fā)布時間:2023-03-12 18:51:13     稿源: 創(chuàng)意嶺    閱讀: 119        問大家







    一、為什么“在第一章”一般說"in chapter one",而不說"in the chapter one"

    chapter one已經(jīng)說的很明白了,并且只有一個chapter one,所以就不需要the這樣的詞了

    二、Black Beauty - Chapter 2

    Chapter 2

    I must not forget to mention one part of my training, which I have always considered a very great advantage.

    My master sent me to another farmer’s field on the edge of the railway.

    I joined some sheep and cows there.

    I shall never forget the first train that ran by.

    I was feeding (吃東西) quietly on an open land that separated the field from the railway.

    Suddenly I heard a strange sound at a distance.

    Before I knew, a long black train flew by with loud noises and smoke.

    I couldn’t breathe.

    I turned and ran to the further side of the field as fast as I could.

    I stood there, breathing heavily with surprise and fear.

    In the course of the day, many other trains went by, and sometimes made an awful loud sound.

    I thought it very dreadful, but the cows went on eating very quietly, and hardly raised their heads when the black scary thing rushed by loudly.

    For the first few days, I could not feed (吃東西) in peace.

    As I found that this terrible creature never came into the field, or did me any harm, I started paying no attention to it.

    And very soon I cared as little about the passing of a train as the cows and sheep did.

    Since then I had seen many horses that were very alarmed and uneasy at the sight or sound of a train engine.

    Thanks to my good master’s care, I was not afraid at railway stations (火車站) or in my own stable.

    My master often drove me together with my mother, because she was steady and could teach me how to go better.

    She told me that the better I worked, the better I should be treated, and that it was wisest always to do my best to please my master.

    She said, “There are different kinds of men.

    Some, like our master, are good and gentle, and some are bad and cruel.

    Besides, there are many foolish and careless men who ruin their horses for no good reason.

    I hope you will fall into good hands.

    A horse never knows who may buy him, or who may drive him.

    It is all chance for us. Always do your best wherever you are, and keep up your good name.”

    It was early in May. A man from Squire Gordon’s took me away to the hall.

    My master said, “Good-bye, Darkie. Be a good horse, and always do your best.”

    I could not say “good-bye”, so I put my nose into his hand.

    He patted me kindly and I left my first home.

    Squire Gordon’s park was by the village of Birtwick.

    There was room for many horses and carriages.

    The stable into which I was taken was very big, with four good separate spaces.

    A large swinging window opened into the yard, which made it fresh and pleasant.

    The first space was a large square one, shut in behind with a wooden gate.

    The others were common spaces—good, but not nearly so large.

    My space was called a loose box. It was clean, sweet and airy.

    The horse that was put into it was not tied up. Instead, he was left loose to do as he liked.

    The sides of the box were not very high, and so the horse could see all that went on through the iron bars at the top.

    I never was in a better box than that.

    The groom (馬夫) gave me some very nice oats.

    He patted me, spoke kindly, and then went away.

    When I had eaten my corn, I looked round.

    In the space next to mine stood a little fat, gray pony (小馬) .

    He had thick hair on his head and a big tail.

    His head was pretty and his nose was small.

    I put my head up to the iron bars at the top of my box, and said, “How do you do? What is your name?”

    He turned round as far as the rope around his head would allow, held up his head, and said,

    “My name is Merrylegs. Are you going to live next door to me in the box?”

    I said, “Yes.”

    “Well, then,” he said, “I hope you are a patient horse. I do not like any one next door who bites.”

    Just then a horse’s head looked over from the space beyond.

    Her ears were laid back, and her eyes showed anger.

    This was a tall, red-brown female horse, with a long handsome neck.

    She looked across to me and said,

    “So it is you who have turned me out of my box. It is a very strange thing for a young male horse like you to come and turn a lady out of her own home.”

    “What?” I said, “I have turned no one out. The man who brought me put me here, and I had nothing to do with it.

    And I am not a young horse. I have turned four years old and I am a grown-up horse. I never had a quarrel yet with any horse, and it is my wish to live in peace.”

    “Well,” she said, “we’ll see. Of course, I do not want to quarrel with a young thing like you.”

    I said no more.

    When she went out in the afternoon, Merrylegs said, “Ginger has a bad habit of biting and losing control of her actions.

    When she was in the loose box, she used to easily lose control.

    One day she bit James in the arm and he bled.

    Miss Flora and Miss Jessie, who are very fond of me, were afraid to come into the stable.

    I wanted to see them very much. I hope they will now come again, if you do not bite or lose control.”

    I told him I never bit anything but grass and corn, and could not think what pleasure Ginger found in biting.

    “Well, I don’t think she enjoys it,” says Merrylegs, “it is just a bad habit.

    She said that no one was ever kind to her, and why should she not bite?

    Of course, it is a very bad habit. But I am sure, if all she says is true, she must have been treated very badly before she came here.

    John does all he can to please her, and James also. Our master never hits a horse if he or she acts right.”

    “You see,” he went on, with a wise look, “I am twelve years old and I know a great deal.

    I can tell you there is not a better place for a horse all around the country than this.

    John has been here for fourteen years and taken best care of us. And you never saw such a kind boy as James.

    It is all Ginger’s own fault that she did not stay in that box.


    1. 今天,Darkie搬家(換主人)了,新主人是Mr. Gorden,所在的地方叫Birtwick Park。Birtwick Park是作者杜撰的一個地方,她雖然在12歲的時候隨家人一起搬到了倫敦,但是會常常和自己的兄弟Philip回到Norfolk看望自己的祖父母。Anna的祖父母住在巴克斯頓鎮(zhèn)(Buxton)一處叫Dudwick Farm的地方,也就是在這個Farm里,Anna第一次學(xué)會了騎馬。所以有人認(rèn)為,Birtwick Park這個名字的靈感就來源于這里。也有人認(rèn)為,Birtwick Park的靈感來源于Anna在倫敦的家附近的Tracy Park,我們一起來看看Tracy Park長什么樣:


    Pony:矮種馬。根據(jù)國際馬聯(lián)(International Federation for Equestrian Sports,F(xiàn)EI)的定義,149cm或151cm以下的成年馬便可以稱為pony。矮種馬的主要特征是鬃毛、馬尾、體毛較厚,小短腿,骨質(zhì)較重,腦袋小,脖子粗等。矮種馬天資聰穎、性情溫順、適應(yīng)性強、耐渴耐勞,容易與人親近,可以說是一種天然的萌物。

    目前國際上比較出名的pony,當(dāng)屬來自蘇格蘭的設(shè)得蘭矮種馬(Shetland pony)。設(shè)得蘭矮種馬起源于英國蘇格蘭東北部的設(shè)得蘭群島(Shetland Islands),并以此命名。設(shè)得蘭矮種馬的身高普遍在107厘米以下,它們對自然環(huán)境的適應(yīng)能力很強,耐粗飼和嚴(yán)寒。1890年設(shè)得蘭矮種馬協(xié)會成立,英國女王伊麗莎白曾任設(shè)得蘭矮種馬登記會名譽會長,英國皇家貴族對設(shè)得蘭矮種馬尤其偏愛和重視。那這個聽起來666的設(shè)得蘭矮種馬到底長什么樣子呢?

    其實咱們國家也有一種挺出名的矮種馬,叫德保矮馬,主要生長于廣西德保、靖西等百色地區(qū)。據(jù)考證,它是西漢時期“果下馬”的后代。咱們這種土生土長的德保矮馬比我們上面提到的設(shè)得蘭馬還要矮,同樣是一種稀有品種~ 無圖無真相:


    1. 「course」: 常見的意思有“課程、一道菜”,這里表示“進程、過程”,短語「 in the course of 」意思是在…期間。

    原句:In the course of the day, many other trains went by, and sometimes made an awful loud sound.

    2. 「stable」:平時我們常見的意思是形容詞“穩(wěn)定的、穩(wěn)固的”,今天在文中做名詞,表示“馬廄”。

    原句:Thanks to my good master’s care, I was not afraid at railway stations or in my own stable .


    原句:It is all chance for us.

    4.「corn」:這個單詞比較特殊~ 在英式英語里,corn可以作各類谷類糧食作物的集合名詞,包括小麥、燕麥、大麥、黑麥、玉米等,還可以指這些作物的谷粒;而在美式英語里,corn則只表示玉米或玉米粒。


    1. I thought it very dreadful, but the cows went on eating very quietly, and hardly raised their heads when the black scary thing rushed by loudly.

    「hardly」:幾乎不,簡直不,等于almost not,barely,rarely,大家別望文生義把它想成是hard的副詞哦~ 來個栗子:He hardly ever passes his exams.  他幾乎就沒通過一次考試。


    2. And very soon I cared as little about the passing of a train as the cows and sheep did.

    「as……as」的基本意義是“與……一樣”,常用結(jié)構(gòu)為:as + 形容詞/副詞 + as + 名詞/代詞/從句。大家不要看到這個句子中的兩個as之間這么長,就被嚇到啦~ 為了方便理解,我們把about后面那一堆移到前面去:I cared about the passing of a train as little as the cows and sheep did. 這樣是不是順多了~

    雖然兩個as之間通常接形容詞或副詞的原級,但如果涉及數(shù)量或程度,可用“as much+不可數(shù)名詞+as”和“as many+復(fù)數(shù)名詞+as”這樣的結(jié)構(gòu),來兩個例子:

    You’ve made as many mistakes as I have. 你犯的錯誤和我犯的一樣多。

    He haven’t got as much money as I thought. 他不像我想像中那么有錢。


    3. She told me that the better I worked, the better I should be treated…

    「the better…the better」是一個“the+比較級,the+比較級”的用法,意為“越……越……”,表示一方的程度隨著另一方的變化而變化。我們來舉兩個例子:

    The more I read the book, the more I liked it. 這本書我越看越喜歡。

    The earlier you start,the sooner you’ll be back. 你出發(fā)得越早,回來得越快。


    4. I hope you will fall into good hands.

    「fall into good hands」 落入好人手中。 那落入壞人手中怎么說呢?不是bad hands哦,而是「fall into the wrong hands」,來舉個例子:The government should assure that the relief fund would not fall into the wrong hands. 政府應(yīng)該確保賑災(zāi)基金不會落入壞人之手。


    5. The stable into which I was taken was very big, with four good separate spaces.

    這里的「which」指代的是「stable」,為什么前面有一個into呢?因為還原過來的短語是:take sb./sth. into the stable,所以這個介詞into不能省哦~


    6. My space was called a loose box. It was clean, sweet and airy. The horse that was put into it was not tied up.

    「loose box」:牲畜的獨立隔間。這段話介紹了這種隔間的樣子:干凈且通風(fēng)良好,動物可以在內(nèi)自由活動。所以Darkie在里面不會被繩子拴著,非常舒服自在。他可以通過單間兩邊上面的鐵柵欄看外面的世界。大概就是這個樣子的~

    The horse / that was put into it / was not tied up. 這句話這樣劃分下意群,是不是明白多啦~ 「that was put into it」是在修飾「horse」,這句話簡化后就是:The horse was not tied up.

    7. He turned round as far as the rope around his head would allow,…

    「as far as」表示“像……那么遠;直到;遠到”,舉個例子:I'll keep you company as far as the station. 我將與你結(jié)伴直到車站。這個短語還有一個很常用的搭配:as far as I am concerned 就我來說……大家在寫作的時候可以用上~


    8. “So it is you who have turned me out of my box. It is a very strange thing for a young male horse like you to come and turn a lady out of her own home.”

    「it is…who/that…」是一個強調(diào)句型,強調(diào)的是「you」,是“你”把我趕出了我的隔間。如何判斷一個句子是不是強調(diào)句呢?去掉「it is」和「that/who」后,如果句子依然完整,結(jié)構(gòu)不受影響,那這個句子就是強調(diào)句啦~ 這個句子去掉后即:You have turned me out of my box. 結(jié)構(gòu)仍然完整,所以它是一個強調(diào)句歐~

    「turn sb out」:(尤指把某人從其長期居住處)攆走,趕出。舉個例子:The drunk man was turned out of the bar. 醉漢被趕出了酒吧。


    9. I told him I never bit anything but grass and corn, and could not think what pleasure Ginger found in biting.

    「but」在這里意思是“除……之外”,等于except。舉個例子:Nobody shows up on his show but his friends. 除了他的朋友們,沒人來看他的演出。



    三、英文中數(shù)字的 形容詞 形式一般用在什么地方 ?


    1. 以下是最基本的序數(shù)詞,學(xué)習(xí)者必須牢記:first(第1), second(第2), third(第3), fourth (第4), fifth(第5), sixth(第6), seventh(第7), eighth(第8), ninth(第9), tenth(第10), eleventh(第11), twelfth(第12), thirteenth(第13), fourteenth(第14), fifteenth(第15), sixteenth(第16), seventeenth(第17), eighteenth(第18), nineteenth(第19), twentieth(第20), thirtieth(第30), fortieth(第40), fiftieth(第50), sixtieth(第60), seventieth(第70), eightieth(第80), ninetieth(第90)。

    【說明】① 許多序數(shù)詞是由相應(yīng)的基數(shù)詞后加th構(gòu)成的,如:four / fourth,six / sixth,ten / tenth,sixteen / sixteenth,但是nine變?yōu)樾驍?shù)詞是ninth,而不是nineth。

    ② twentieth, thirtieth, fortieth 等表示整十的序數(shù)詞,由相應(yīng)的基數(shù)詞將詞尾y改為ie,再加th 構(gòu)成。

    ③ first, second, third 通??煽s寫為1st, 2nd, 3rd。凡是以th結(jié)尾的序數(shù)詞可縮寫為“基數(shù)詞+th”:4th, 5th, 9th, 11th, 60th, 128th等。

    2. 非整十的多位數(shù),將個位數(shù)變成序數(shù)詞即可:twenty-first(第21),thirty-sixth(第36),ninety-ninth(第99),three hundred and sixty-fifth(第365)等。

    3. hundred, thousand, million 等序數(shù)詞形式為 hundredth, thousandth, millionth 等:

    five hundredth (500th) 第500 ten thousandth (10, 000th) 第10000)


    one hundredth 第100(不說a hundredth)


    1. 日期的表示法通常用序數(shù)詞,也可用基數(shù)詞,如“5月5日”在書面語中通常寫成5 May(英)或May 5th(美),而在口語中則通常說成 the fifth of May,May the fifth(英), May fifth(美)等。

    2. 在類似編號的場合,用序數(shù)詞應(yīng)放在被修飾詞語之前,若用基數(shù)詞則置于其后:

    the First Lesson / lesson one 第一課 the tenth chapter / chapter ten 第10章

    the sixth line / line 6 第6 行 the third part / part three 第三部分


    Book One 第一冊 Room 805 805房

    page 110 第110頁 Bus Number Ten 第10路公共汽車


    1. 序數(shù)詞前通常要用定冠詞

    It’s the third time I’ve been here. 這是我第三次來這兒。

    The second is better than the first. 第二個比第一個好。

    【說明】① 表示考試或比賽等的名次時,通常省略定冠詞:

    She was (the) third in the exam. 她考試得了第三名。


    He came first. 他先來。

    I’ll have to finish my homework first. 我得先把作業(yè)做完。


    at first 開始 at first sight 乍看起來 first of all 首先

    ④ 但若序數(shù)詞前用了物主代詞或名詞所有格,則不能再用定冠詞:

    his second wife 他的第二個妻子 Tom’s third book 湯姆的第三本書

    2. 序數(shù)詞前有時可用不定冠詞,表示次第在原有基礎(chǔ)上的增加:

    A second student stood up. 又一個(第二個)學(xué)生站了起來。

    I want to read the book a third time. 這本書我想讀第三次。

    序數(shù)詞前用定冠詞和不定冠詞的區(qū)別在于,定冠詞表特指,不定冠詞表泛指,有類似another的意思,但比another 的意思更明確:

    I like the third girl. 我喜歡第三個女孩。(至少有三個女孩供選擇,特指)

    I saw a third girl. 我又看見了第三個女孩。(暗示原來已看見兩個,這已是第三個)



    像你第一個post 后面加-age的還有l(wèi)ink-linkage 等

    形式不變的有 book-book order-order 等

    后面加字母的有breath-breathe 等

    后面換字母的 practice-practise等

    后面加后綴的 argue-argument (去e加后綴) announce-announcement(直接加后綴)名詞后綴有-ment ,-age ,-tion 等。

    副詞一般就是后面直接加ly(或者是去e加ly,去y加ily)但是也有的單詞后面是ly但是是形容詞這個只有死記像 deadly致命的;lively有生機的;lovely可愛的等。

    還有就是名詞變形容詞有 動作發(fā)出者的不同 excite 某事很令人興奮用exciting 某人很興奮用excited

    名詞復(fù)數(shù)形式也有規(guī)律 可自己歸納






